Quick-tempered criticism f. Furious ... Early Recovery compared to after working Step 10. 10. ... Sins of omission are sins we commit by NOT doing something we SHOULD do. ... It was this pain that helped Father Ed continue to rely on God, instead of himself, for ... We are not fighting it, neither are we avoiding temptation.. We must avoid quick-tempered criticism and furious, power-driven argument. The same goes for sulking or silent scorn. These are emotional ...
Jim Johnson. 10/14/08 ... a newcomer will simply continue to attend meetings, 'Something will rub off on you.' And the implication ... “We must avoid quick-tempered criticism and furious, ... bait, we should train ourselves to step back and think.. We must avoid quick-tempered criticism, furious power-driven ... When we are tempted by the bait, we should train ourselves to step back and ...
Get up, O camel ;' ' walk fast ;' 'the poor camel is thirsty ;' ' come and take your evening ... After the dance has continued five or ten minutes, the girl sits down, und ... decent steps, her increasing animation, the general applause she receives, ... The custom ot divorce, we must acknowledge, does not speak much in favour of ...
So we should not let our troubles become massed until they form big ... Let their false criticisms — not the helpful criticisms, but those common, irritating ... back, and you will continue to be a cheerful operator and save yourself a lot of grief. ... Never once do they stop to think wc are only human and wait on from 10 to SO .... Step Ten. “Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong ... We must avoid quick-tempered criticism and furious, power-driv- en argument.. "This thought brings us to Step Ten, which suggests we continue to take personal ... We must avoid quick-tempered criticism and furious, power-driven argument.. This week's "Here's To Your Health" is a continuation of a Step Ten ... Bill Wilson's book Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions continued with: In all situations we ... We must avoid quick-tempered criticism and furious, power-driven argument .... We must avoid quick-tempered criticism and furious, power-driven argument. The same goes for sulking or silent scorn. These are emotional booby traps baited .... Step Ten begins: "AS we work the first nine Steps, we prepare ourselves for the ... Book, the Twelve and Twelve emphasizes that this Step is an ongoing process. ... We must avoid quick-tempered criticism and furious, power-driven argument. eff9728655